Sunday 28 March 2010


In what way does your media product use, develop or challenge forms of real media products?

My magazine follows the music magazine conventions by having a main image as a band member, having bar codes, the web site address, sell lines and the date my front cover doesn't challenge of subvert conventions.

On my front cover I have used black, white and red, using 2 – 3 colours is conventional to magazine and using those colours is conventional of rock magazines

My main image is aggressive which is another point which rock magazines use a lot.

My contents page follows conventions like colours red and black used which are used in rock magazines.

My contents page has an editorial, competitions, interviews, pictures, review, these are all very typical of music magazine contents pages

My main article has pictures of the band and ask them questions about their lives as rockers, this is very conventional

My magazine is very conventional and does not subvert forms of real media products

My magazine develops conventions by the main article being mainly quotes between the band members instead of a conventional article.

The background of the main article is also a developed feature as it represents the bands experimental rock genre by having a rocky texture and having two contrasting colours go though it, this also represents the band members as it is clearly shown in the article they are two different personalities 

How does your media product represent particular social groups?

This magazine is aimed at teenagers, mainly at 16-17 year olds

The article is aimed at girls and boys but the article only has pictures of men inside it and the colours are more manly as well, but its more about the bands and just as many guys like that genre as girls and when girls see their bands inside the magazine it will make them want to buy it.

The article is more aimed at men though, but girls who like the genre will not be put off.

In terms of class this magazine is aimed at abc1 which means that people who have money are more likely to buy it and people who are working class will not want to waste what money they have on magazines.

This magazine is for anyone who likes rock regardless of what social group they belong to 

What kind of media institution would distribute this product and why?

I would distribute this product in news agents and supermarkets where they have space for magazines like these. The magazine would also be distributed in book shops where they sell other magazines like this.

IPC is an institution which publishes and sells a lot of music magazines.

Internet web site and other magazine web sites will distribute the product online

who would be the audience for your product?

My target audience is teenagers who are in college, so they are still studying. The target audience will be an equal number of males and females

The fans of underrated will buy and download many albums because they are fanatical about the style of music and are loyal to the bands and love hearing the songs. The fans go to gigs when they can and have mp3s and i-Pods with them at all times.

The readers of underrated are all individuals and have independent thoughts, this reflexes through the cloths they were

They also spend a lot of time on social networks like face book

How did you attract/ address your audience?

The audiences are attracted by the front cover because its eye catching

The use of colours red and black attracts the audience as well as the image manipulation which makes the band members eyes stick out

The bands, competitions, interviews makes people want to read the articles and buy the magazine

The audience is addressed informally and the editorial in the contents page seems exaggerated and like the editor has a lot of charisma, the starting line is ‘Rockers welcome to hell’ this is slightly jokey as well since the readers are obviously not in hell or going to be in hell but it attracts the audience because it’s a very cool way to talk in a rock magazine

In the interview the questions are straight forward but the answers were coming from what seems like partiers, there is also a contrast in personalities between the band that is being interviewed which creates excitement because they answer each question differently and interestingly

What have you learned about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

I have learned a lot about Photoshop and its various tools and utilities which can be used for photo manipulations and for manipulating text to give it glows and gradient overlays, which can be very useful for personalizing text or making text more appealing to your target audience

I can use tools to cut and render pictures better

I have learned that computers crash alot!

I have learned how to use colour adjustments like saturations and gradients to make my product look better

Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learned in the progression from it to the full product?

I feel I can manipulate images and use the given tools much better then I could when I did the preliminary task

I can use colours and typography better then I could before

My understanding of music magazines is much better because of the research so I know more conventional things that go on contents pages which I have used but they are not present in the preliminary because I didn’t know what else to put on the contents pages except titles and numbers. Now I have an editorial, pictures, better use of colours and the way I connect to the audience using words is better because I address the audience informally.

I've learned how to take better pictures to seam less amateurish, also what pictures are unusable

I can use different things to make my front page stand out much more such as using better typography and effects to make my front page very eye catching

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